I will be explaining about the Battle Of Normandy.

Picture of a M10 tank destroyer in battle of Normandy

On the Washington conference 1941, the U.S and allies agreed to focus on liberating Europe from facist occupation before turning eyes into Japan. The U.S and their allies cooperate began attack on 6th June 1944 with paratroopers and landing crafts, the landing to Normandy, France was known as D-DAY

map of D-DAY

The Allied forces will come through Sword,Gold,Omaha,Juno,Utah and Pointe du hoc beach. On the beaches, Allied forces had a hard time to push througn the Axis's defence line, meanwhile on Pointe Du hoc, the allied forces had to climb up and destroy the coastal gun battery on there. After pushing through the beach, the U.S forces will have to push through Cherboug and Caen.

Battle Of Cherboug

During battle of Cherboug, 3 days after D-DAY landing, The allied commanders realized that Cherboug cannot be taken. They assigned 9th veteran to cut off the peninsula to prevent any further reinforcement. It was then captured on 26th june.

Battle of Caen

the battle was a defeat for the allies forces, but the German also suffered many casualties. On 7th july, the North of Caen was bombed by German after remarking the war is lost

Total casualties for allies

total casualties for axis

civillians casualties are estimated around 25,000-39,000 killed